
    空间望远镜科学研究院的天文学家正给予普通老百姓机会来决定哈勃太空望远镜的观测目标。在8000人通过网络投票之后,哈勃已被用于拍摄一张不同寻常的“极环”星系NGC 4650A的特写照片。

    NGC 4650A距地球130百万光年,是100个知名的极环星系中的一个。它们不寻常的盘—环结构仍没有被充分的认识。一种可能是极环是很久很久以前(可能至少1亿年)星系之间巨大冲撞的遗迹。留在其中一个星系中的物质就形成了中央含有红色恒星的旋转内盘。同时,另一个较小的星系由于靠得太近而被瓦解。在整个冲撞的过程中,较小星系中的气体会被剥离,进而被较大的星系捕获,形成与以前星系盘垂直的新尘埃、气体、恒星环。在图中见到的极环通过3种不同的滤镜成像,其可透射蓝、绿和近红外光。


    在这张照片中可清晰的辨识出这一不同寻常的星系的结构。它同时展示了一些不为人所知的特征。它确认了极环存在一明亮的中心,在图中可能呈柔和的橙色,有规则的形状,预示其有着较高的密度。我们相信,它曾经是一个中能大小的星系,在形成极环的复杂过程中发生了变化。中央的黑带是由于极环中的尘埃和气体遮光所至。那儿是大多数星系的恒星形成区,NGC 4605A也不例外。其中,蓝色团块是明亮的年轻恒星。极环可能已被高度的扭曲。没有正常的漩涡结构在环中出现,在主环的上下方出现年轻的恒星,说明两个环不在一个平面内。确定极环中恒星的年龄是极环科学小组的最初目的,它可以为这一不同寻常的星系的演化提供线索。

    因为延伸出NGC 4605A的光晕很远,它便提供了一个独特的机会来绘制“暗物质”,它们围绕着大多数的星系。暗物质解释了星系旋臂中的恒星为什么以恒速围绕星系核转动(与太阳系的情况正好相反),不管其与转轴的距离有多远。恒定的速度需要额外的引力的助推,因此暗示有不可见的物质的存在。通过对极环的研究可以了解暗物质的分布。


NGC 4605A说明它是“星团星云心总表”中编号为4605的一对星系中较亮的一个。这一新星表主要基于威廉·赫歇尔和约翰·赫歇尔编著的星表。



   译自 哈勃网站(http://oposite.stsci.edu

Ring Around a Galaxy
Chinese Version

  Space Telescope Science Institute astronomers are giving the public chances to decide where to aim NASA's Hubble Space Telescope. Guided by 8,000 Internet voters, Hubble has already been used to take a close-up, multi-color picture of the most popular object from a list of candidates, the extraordinary "polar-ring" galaxy NGC 4650A. 

  Located about 130 million light-years away, NGC 4650A is one of only 100 known polar-ring galaxies. Their unusual disk-ring structure is not yet understood fully. One possibility is that polar rings are the remnants of colossal collisions between two galaxies sometime in the distant past, probably at least 1 billion years ago. What is left of one galaxy has become the rotating inner disk of old red stars in the center. Meanwhile, another smaller galaxy which ventured too close was probably severely damaged or destroyed. During the collision the gas from the smaller galaxy would have been stripped off and captured by the larger galaxy, forming a new ring of dust, gas, and stars, which orbit around the inner galaxy almost at right angles to the old disk. This is the polar ring which we see almost edge-on in Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 image of NGC 4560A, created using 3 different color filters (which transmit blue, green, and near-infrared light). 

  This HST image clearly distinguishes structures in this extraordinary galaxy that only recently were discovered in images made using large ground-based telescopes. It also displays features that were previously unknown. The image confirms that the bright central concentration of light, which appears to be slightly orange in this image, has a completely smooth, regular appearance, indicating that it is a dense system composed of older stars and containing little gas or dust. We believe this was once a typical medium-sized galaxy that has been altered, probably by the process that made the complex polar ring. The central dark lanes are due to blockage of light by clouds of gas and dust in the ring, located between us and the inner galaxy. These are the sites of star formation in most galaxies, and NGC 4605A is no exception. The bright bluish clumps, which are especially prominent in the outer parts of the ring, are regions containing luminous young stars, examples of stellar rebirth from the remnants of an ancient galactic disaster. The polar ring appears to be highly distorted. No regular spiral pattern stands out in the main part of the ring, and the presence of young stars below the main ring on one side and above on the other shows that the ring is warped and does not lie in one plane. Determining the typical ages of the stars in the polar ring is an initial goal of our Polar Ring Science Team that can provide a clue to the evolution of this unusual galaxy. 

  Because the polar ring extends far into the halo of NGC 4650A, it provides a unique opportunity to map "dark matter," which is thought to surround most disk galaxies. It is called dark matter because it doesn't emit light, but only reveals itself through its gravitational effect on the stars and gas in the galaxy. Dark matter explains why disk stars in most spiral galaxies move at constant speeds around their galactic cores, regardless of their distances from the center axes of rotation. This motion is unlike the planets orbiting around our Sun, which move more slowly the farther they are away from the Sun, in response to the weakening of the Sun's gravitational pull with increasing distance. A constant speed requires extra gravitational pull and therefore implies the existence of unseen material in most galaxies that is supplying additional gravity. In NGC 4650A, both the old, rotating disk and the dark matter surrounding this galaxy pull on its polar ring. The alignment of the ring along the pole of the inner disk's rotation allows scientists to probe this combination of tugs and thus the distribution of dark matter. 

  The name NGC 4650A means that this galaxy is the brighter of a pair of galaxies numbered 4650 in the "New General Catalogue of Nebulae and Clusters of Stars," known to astronomers as the "NGC." This catalog was published by J.L. Dreyer in 1888. It is mainly based on observations obtained by William and John Herschel as they looked at the skies with their telescopes while Caroline Herschel checked and reduced the celestial positions of interesting objects. In only 100 years we have gone from astronomers peering at the sky through telescopes on the ground to using electronic cameras on robotic telescopes in space! 

  The HST exposures were acquired by the Hubble Heritage Team, consisting of Keith Noll, Howard Bond, Carol Christian, Jayanne English, Lisa Frattare, Forrest Hamilton, Anne Kinney and Zolt Levay, and guest collaborators Jay Gallagher (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Lynn Matthews (National Radio Astronomy Observatory-Charlottesville), and Linda Sparke (University of Wisconsin-Madison). These data were available in the public archive on the release date (May 6, 1999) of the image produced by the Hubble Heritage Team. The guest astronomers, plus Anne Kinney, form the Polar Ring Science Team. They played a role in producing the observing proposal and are providing a preliminary analysis of the data. 


   From Hubble Web(http://oposite.stsci.edu