
    像一颗精心雕琢的宝石,行星状星云IC 418坐落在距地球2,000光年的天兔座内。这张照片是哈勃太空望远镜的宽视场行星照相机2 近期拍摄的照片之一。

    行星状星云是类似于太阳的恒星的演化归宿。IC 418中央的恒星在几千年前是一颗红巨星,但之后它便抛射出它的外壳,形成了星云,现今它的直径已达到约0.1光年左右。星云中心的恒星遗迹是红巨星炽热的核,从那儿发射出的紫外线激发周围的气体使之发射出荧光。在以后的数千年中,这个星云会逐渐的解体,并且这颗恒星在其后的几十亿年中会渐渐地冷却进而变成一颗白矮星。我们的太阳注定也会有同样的命运,但那时50亿年之后的事了。


    这是一张伪彩色的照片,使用宽视场行星照相机2 摄于1999年9月。红色代表离子氮的发射(星云中最冷的气体),绿色代表氢的发射,蓝色代表离子氧的发射(星云中最热的气体,最靠近中央的恒星)。在星云中出现的这些惊人的结构是全新的,它们的形成原因还不为人所知。


   译自 哈勃网站(http://oposite.stsci.edu

The "Spirograph" Nebula
Chinese Version

  Glowing like a multi-faceted jewel, the planetary nebula IC 418 lies about 2,000 light-years from Earth in the direction of the constellation Lepus. This photograph is one of the latest from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope, obtained with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. 

  A planetary nebula represents the final stage in the evolution of a star similar to our Sun. The star at the center of IC 418 was a red giant a few thousand years ago, but then ejected its outer layers into space to form the nebula, which has now expanded to a diameter of about 0.1 light-year. The stellar remnant at the center is the hot core of the red giant, from which ultraviolet radiation floods out into the surrounding gas, causing it to fluoresce. Over the next several thousand years, the nebula will gradually disperse into space, and then the star will cool and fade away for billions of years as a white dwarf. Our own Sun is expected to undergo a similar fate, but fortunately this will not occur until some 5 billion years from now. 

  The Hubble image of IC 418 is shown in a false-color representation, based on Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 exposures taken in February and September, 1999 through filters that isolate light from various chemical elements. Red shows emission from ionized nitrogen (the coolest gas in the nebula, located furthest from the hot nucleus), green shows emission from hydrogen, and blue traces the emission from ionized oxygen (the hottest gas, closest to the central star). The remarkable textures seen in the nebula are newly revealed by the Hubble telescope, and their origin is still uncertain. 


   From Hubble Web(http://oposite.stsci.edu