
    这张由NASA的HST于1997年7月提供的照片,向我们展示了在NGC 4214表面恒星形成时的壮观景象。


      NGC 4214距地球约13,000,000光年,目前它的星际物质正在形成一群又一群的新恒星。这张照片向我们展示星系中恒星的形成和星团的演化。这张照片是由HST的大视场行星照相机-2拍摄的,拍摄时用了几个不同颜色的滤镜。

    尽管NGC 4214的结构的大部分已经被它的暗星所遮盖,我们仍可以从照片上看见围绕明亮的星团的气体云。他们就像用金丝点缀过一般闪闪发光。



    再看照片的左下方:在那里,有一个年老的星团,它周围的气体正在向星系的中心的那个“洞”里扩散。最壮观的景象应该是在NGC 4214的中心。它由成百上千个蓝巨星组成,星团中的每一个成员都要比我们的太阳亮上上万倍。在这个星团的周围是一个巨大的心脏形的气泡,它正由于辐射压以及星风的混合作用而膨胀。与此同时,星系中心最大的一些恒星到了它们生命的终点,就像超新星一样爆发了。

    在NGC 4214中心的星团,由于没有了气体,不能再形成新的恒星,这些明亮的星星会继续向超新星演化,继而消失无踪。而在星系的其他地方,气体开始坍缩,形成新的一代恒星。就这样不断地演化,循环往复。

    那些遮住照片的大部分的暗星,比那些明亮的蓝超巨星要年老得多。几十亿年来,它们一直在向我们演示着NGC 4214中恒星形成时的“插曲”。


   译自 摘自哈勃网站(http://oposite.stsci.edu

Fireworks of Star Formation Light Up a Galaxy
Chinese Version

  Newly released images obtained with NASA's Hubble Space Telescope in July 1997 reveal episodes of star formation that are occurring across the face of the nearby galaxy NGC 4214. 

  Located some 13 million light-years from Earth, NGC 4214 is currently forming clusters of new stars from its interstellar gas and dust. In the Hubble image, we can see a sequence of steps in the formation and evolution of stars and star clusters. The picture was created from exposures taken in several color filters with Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2. 

  NGC 4214 contains a multitude of faint stars covering most of the frame, but the picture is dominated by filigreed clouds of glowing gas surrounding bright stellar clusters. 

  The youngest of these star clusters are located at the lower right of the picture, where they appear as about half a dozen bright clumps of glowing gas. Each cloud fluoresces because of the strong ultraviolet light emitted from the embedded young stars, which have formed within them due to gravitational collapse of the gas. 

  Young, hot stars have a whitish to bluish color in the Hubble image, because of their high surface temperatures, ranging from 10,000 up to about 50,000 degrees Celsius. In addition to pouring out ultraviolet light, these hot stars eject fast "stellar winds," moving at thousands of kilometers per second, which plow out into the surrounding gas. The radiation and wind forces from the young stars literally blow bubbles in the gas. Over millions of years, the bubbles increase in size as the stars inside them grow older. 

  Moving to the lower left from the youngest clusters, we find an older star cluster, around which a gas bubble has inflated to the point that there is an obvious cavity around the central cluster. The most spectacular feature in the Hubble picture lies near the center of NGC 4214. This object is a cluster of hundreds of massive blue stars, each of them more than 10,000 times brighter than our own Sun. A vast heart-shaped bubble, inflated by the combined stellar winds and radiation pressure, surrounds the cluster. The expansion of the bubble is augmented as the most massive stars in the center reach the ends of their lives and explode as supernovae. 

  Deprived of gas, the cluster at the center of NGC 4214 will be unable to form further new stars, and its luminous stars will continue to go supernova and disappear. Elsewhere in the galaxy, however, gas will start to collapse and form yet another new generation of stars, even as the clusters visible today gradually fade away. 

  The faint stars covering most of the picture are much older than the bright blue supergiants, and show us that episodes of star birth have been occurring in NGC 4214 for billions of years. 

   Copied From Hubble Web(http://oposite.stsci.edu