著:Richard A.Kerr 译:Shea

  当NEAR的舒梅克探测器在它最终的安息地——爱神星的表面发回最后一张照片时,科学家们都惊呆了。上周在约翰霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室召开的记者招待会上,小组成员公布了这些照片,它们揭示了一些尚不为人所知的东西,这些东西把爱神星的表面塑造成了奇形怪状的“池塘”。同时,在这些池塘的滩地上还留有奇怪的“脚印”。而且,爱神星的表面还散布着巨石。NEAR成像小组成员克拉克·凯普曼(Clark Chapman)说:“我们对此瞠目结舌。”


  在2月12日,原本并没有计划着陆的舒梅克却完成了有史以来最“软”的着陆,其间普遍认为这将是任务的终点。让每个人都感到惊喜的是,着陆后探测器仍在工作,并且向地球发回无线电信号。由于2天之后无线电信号仍能被接收到,使NASA决定把任务延长10天。NASA戈达德飞行中心分光仪小组的主任杰克勃·钱勃克(Jacob Tranbka)说,形如桶状、重达半吨的探测器靠两块太阳能电池板提供动力,因此在爱神星的轨道上时λ射线分光仪即被开启以进行爱神星表面成分的测定。



  这些神秘的东西源自大量的巨石——在爱神星表面可见部分中,估计这些巨石中有1百万个直径超过8米。行星动力学家艾瑞克·阿斯方(Erik Asphang)和他的同事的一个解释是振动:巨大的冲撞可能使整个爱神星为之震颤造成了这些表面残骸的分布,就像是混合罐头中的坚果,大的重的会留在顶部,而小的轻的则会落到底部。他们认为,这所谓的“巴西果效应”使得完全埋于表面残骸下的巨石慢慢浮上了表面。


  成像小组的主任简斯弗·凡佛克(Jaseph Veverka)提醒我们注意另一个可能解释细小的物体是如何被分离出并且进入低洼处的机制。外观细小的物体以某种方式填充进了低洼处,进而形成了类似池塘的平坦沉积物。凯普曼注意到平坦的池塘与起伏的滩地之间的过渡区。而且NEAR舒梅克发回的最后一张拍于125米高的照片显示,“脚印”的尺寸——尽管在形状上不太规则——看上去被压缩了几厘米,就像细小物体也被压缩了。



   译自 [Science 23 Feb 2001]

PLANETARY SCIENCE:Strange Doings on a NEAR-Struck Asteroid
Chinese Version
By:Richard A. Kerr

  LAUREL, MARYLAND--Researchers here are puzzling over the last pictures returned by the NEAR Shoemaker spacecraft as it descended to its final resting place on the surface of asteroid Eros. At a press conference here last week at Johns Hopkins University's Applied Research Laboratory, team members showed pictures that reveal that something--no one knows quite what--is shaping the surface of Eros into bizarre "ponds" with "beaches" marked by "footprints." Something else is populating the surface with boulders. "Our jaws are just hanging out," says NEAR imaging team member Clark Chapman of Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colorado. 

  Never designed to land, NEAR Shoemaker made "perhaps the softest [planetary] landing ever" on 12 February in what was expected to be a mission-ending descent to the surface of the 33-kilometer-long asteroid. To the surprise of everyone, the spacecraft continued to beam a radio beacon back to Earth after touchdown. Telemetry was still being received 2 days later, prompting NASA to extend the mission for up to 10 days. With the barrel-shaped, half-ton spacecraft apparently propped on two solar panels, the gamma ray spectrometer was fired back up in hopes of refining the surface-composition measurements made from Eros orbit, according to spectrometer team leader Jacob Trombka of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. 

  NEAR Shoemaker's picture-taking days are over, because its telephoto lens is nearly in the dirt. But the last images it sent back should keep planetary geologists busy for years. "I never would have imagined you'd see some of these things on an asteroid," says Chapman. 

  The mysteries start with an abundance of huge boulders--perhaps a million of them larger than 8 meters--visible on the surface. One explanation being considered by planetary dynamicist Erik Asphaug of the University of California, Santa Cruz, and his colleagues is seismic shaking: Large impacts might so shake Eros that the surface debris would settle like mixed nuts in a can, with the big, heavy bits rising to the top and the smaller ones falling to the bottom. This "Brazil-nut effect" might have caused boulders completely buried in the surface debris to rise into view, they say. 

  Another mechanism probably accounts for how the very finest material not only separated out but found its way to low spots, notes imaging team leader Joseph Veverka of Cornell University. Somehow, the finer looking material has filled in low spots to form flat deposits resembling ponds. A transition zone from smooth pond to rougher surroundings resembles a beach, notes Chapman. And in the last image returned by NEAR Shoemaker from an altitude of 125 meters, some spots the size of a footprint--though irregular in shape--seem to have collapsed a few centimeters, as if the fine material was somehow compressed. 

  One way fine material might move around would be for sunlight to charge it up electrostatically, notes Veverka. That could levitate dust and allow it to move downhill, as happens on the moon to an inconsequential extent and as has been suggested for Jupiter's moon Callisto. But nobody's betting on the accuracy of any of these theories. "We're facing processes we're not familiar with," says Veverka. "I truly don't know what's going on." 


   From [Science 23 Feb 2001]